Hello friends and families, I am writing this month's blog from a home in Leichhardt with a puppy sleeping to my right named Bosley. This last month has been eventful; full of moving stress, assignment stress and dating stress.
I started the month celebrating my birthday with my family in Brisbane and then my best friend here in Sydney. I bought myself an iPad which I left in an Uber the first night I arrived in Sydney. Luckily, I successfully retrieved it on the day of my birth. The best part about last month was the number of catchups I had. I saw besties Merryn, Mansoor and Elena in Sydney, skyped international besties Chase and Niall, and called Brisbane besties Irena and Sheks. I had to postpone my 30th because of the floods in Brisbane but I am so grateful that I still got to see so many friendly faces. It was really special.
As soon as I arrived, I was at a place in Marrickville looking after a staffy named Sally. While there, I found a place in Randwick to live with two other housemates. Pretty quickly though, after attempting to move things here and there, I realised I needed a car! The last time I was here, I had a car and everything was way easier and for some reason, I thought I could do without it. Wrong was I. So hopefully I can organise a car loan and finally purchase my dream car; a yellow Volkswagon Beetle cabriolet. This too, means I need to find another place that comes with a parking spot.
I am committing to five units this semester at USC which means a whole lot of assessments are all due at the same time. I was doing pretty well and submitting everything way before the due date but once again the dreaded group assignment gave me some difficulties. I'm pretty organised and one member of the group was one of those 'last minute' types of people. The assignment was submitted, it looked beautiful but it definitely caused me a bit of a headache collating it together in a rush. I have a month's break before the next lot of assessments are due so I'm gonna take a well deserved week break and start again next week.
This month, I started dating again! For those who know me best... I am absolutely terrible at first dates. At the start of March, I had one of those dates where every word was jumbled and I couldn't make basic decisions like where to sit. It was a wreck on my end for sure. I think a lot of it was wrapped up with insecurities. Said guy, met me ten years ago when I was definitely thinner, more confident and less burdened by life, and I kept comparing who I am now to what I was then. Anyway, it wasn't a total mess because he's still around bingeing Bridgerton with me and buying me food, so that's really nice.
And that's really all I can update you with this month. Movies I've watched are 'Uncharted' which showcased the most terrible Australian accent I've ever heard, 'The Batman' which was very broody and teenage-angsty, and 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' which was very entertaining although very poorly scripted. I haven't read a drop of fiction but could tell you a lot about police corruption this month.
Much love,