Well looky here, we are well into the second half of the year. For those overseas, Brisbane is now back in lockdown for the unforeseen future. I am super glad in these times that I am studying because it gives me something to focus on. I’m also super grateful that I am an essential worker and get to fit all of my social activities into two days at my childcare centre. For everyone who is not as lucky, I really feel for you. Time stuck alone (or with someone) all the time doesn’t work for everybody, but all I can say is thank you for keeping on and following guidelines. Really helps lower the contagion toll :)
So what’s happened this month? I’m sure I did things… I know for sure that I took on more work, meaning I was full-time at the daycare for the whole month of July. That was probably it, come to think of it. Oh and I submitted that picture to the USC diary competition. I didn’t get into the finals or win the competition. So here it is, waiting for your praise or harsh critiques.

I recorded a nifty little video for a conference overseas talking about how my culture and life experiences have shaped my filmmaking. I got to talk about Singapore and my colourful family, and how I think diversity means telling stories through every lens, not just ones that continue to perpetuate stereotypes. For example, my film Zombie Bro is a film about an Australian family, and that family just happens to be full of people of colour. I didn’t write the film with any specific race in mind, I just imagined an Australian family, much like my own and then cast the best actors for the job (that resembled the girl I had cast as the lead). Early on, I got a weird critique about the film not doing diversity right and I just could not comprehend what they meant. I’m not going to write about cultures and stories that I don’t know, ya know?!
Guys I also did my tax. And can I just say… even though making a feature film out of your own pennies is mega expensive, there are some benefits… like filling in some huge deductions on your tax claims. This year, I think Zombie Bro deductions added up to around $5000 but in previous years, it was way higher. If only I would start to see some income from the whole filmmaking journey. *wink wink* Friends in North America, buy or rent my film! Here is all the places you can find it, you lucky ducks.
Books I’ve read this month… zero. Yes, I’m embarrassed and ashamed of myself. Usually, I over commit by getting too many books out at the library but this month I didn’t even go to the library. That’s an all-time low. Send me some suggestions please. Maybe I can read eight books this month to make up for my lack of any in July. Movies, however, I will never give up. This month I caught ‘Space Jam’ (excellent addition), ‘What to do when you’re not expecting’ (because J.Lo was in it), ‘Black Widow’ (surprisingly good) and ‘Old’. Guys, ‘Old’ was great. I was originally put off because a good friend said that it featured terrible acting and she is spot on with anything film-related, but then I watched it and it was so good. Makes you think. All that utilitarianism stuff, about sacrificing some to benefit the majority. Yah… it was so good. If we weren’t in lockdown, I would encourage you all to put on those masks and saunter down and buy a ticket. Alas, you cannot. So feel free to use my review as your own and pretend like you have seen it.

Otherwise, nothing big to mention this month aside from my recent break-in at 4 am on a Friday morning (police, sniffer dogs, and all), and that I’ve decided on my 30th birthday party theme: High School Musical. Time to finally enrol in those self-defence classes that I’ve been rabbiting on about since Miss Congeniality, and time to slide into my DM’s and re-ignite our friendships so I can see you at the HSM bash.
Stay safe pals, May