Well well well family and friends, it is January 2024 and I hope you have had a great start to the New Year. As always, my first blog of the year recaps past goals before listing new ones.
Last year I completed 13 out of 24 yearly goals and fulfilled 0 of the 5 life goals. These included sewing more, getting a tattoo, skinny-dipping, whale watching, finally visiting Luna Park, and saving up money for my exchange.
Some other highlights from the year were working for The Infants Home, living in Sydney with my best friend Merryn, weekly trivia nights with the family, completing a 10 kilometre run, going on adventures with my girl gang (Helen, Sharon, Hannah, and Merryn), seeing Billy Ocean live, joining a musical theatre choir, taking a life drawing class, going to the Ekka, going on a Shark cage-dive and driving my family around in a 12 seater van to see Christmas lights.
This year I don't have a large poster to write all my goals on, so I've used the handy Post-It App to make something similar. Here they are!!!

See anything on there you can help me with? Let me know. Otherwise I look forward to telling you all about my January travels in the next blog post.
Thanks for reading. xx May