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I'm in Los Angeles!


So January started and now it’s over... but not without keeping me busy. This month, I was asked to join the cast of ‘The System’. The movie is directed by Eddie Arya, a Director/Producer I met at my first Wrap Networking Party. "Martin McMillan, a family man who suddenly finds himself redundant after 15 years of loyalty to the same company, is now struggling to cope with the hardships of unemployment and today's society. Losing his home, car and entire savings, Martin is yet to face his biggest challenge, an incident that will chnage his life forever."  

Then I took a nice drive down to Bulli in Wollongong to help out on Rhainnon Bannenberg's 'The Complete Works'. And ended up with a role as Sarah. I also met Rhainnon at the first Wrap Night. 

Then there is 'Wingman', which I originally auditioned for in October last year. I got a unexpected call from the producer, Yinga Lu to say that I got the part of Liz and the rest is history. It stars Guy Edmonds. "An angel obsessed with procreation forces an ordinary bloke to reproduce with 7 women in 7 days

At the of start of January, I was part of an awesome Improv show call 'The First Thursday Improv Club', where I got to do my first One-Woman musical with Michael Gregory (Improv Australia) and lick a strangers hand... But I have more Improv news! There are a select few, very talented music improv performers that have been jamming and on the 1st March 'Blank the Musical' will be re-born. I don't have all the deets yet, but it will be one hell of a show. It's a completely improvised musical based on a subject the audience chooses. So come on down and let's make some magic.

Also... I became famous this month. The McDonalds Waffle Cone TVC was released and although I haven't seen it on TV yet... it seems to be on most of the YouTube videos online. Yes... that is me with the curly hair trying to enjoy a ridiculously good-looking ice-cream when my man steals it off me. SPOILER ALERT: I NEVER EVER GOT TO EAT THE ICE-CREAM. What else? OH YEAH! I'm in LA. On the 24th I flew over via Fiji in an exhausting plane ride. I watched 'Kick-Ass 2' (Good... but not as good as the first) and 'Elysium' (I really enjoyed it although I didn't get to finish it because we landed). And alas I was here! And I'm straight into classes. Every Monday night I do a Comedy Workshop with Craig Anton. My sister and I used to watch this show called 'Phil of the Future' coz Ricky Ullman is a babe and Craig is his father on the show. 

The past week I have been doing a 5-day Intensive at TVI Studios. I met some exceptionally talented people and we spent the week doing Cold-reads for Casting Directors (Don Phillip Smith, Dean E. Fronk, just to name a few) and both Wednesday and Thursday nights we had an industry showcase for Agents and Managers. Now all we have to do is wait for the calls.  But it's February now and that means more LA classes! This week I'm doing classes with Lesly Kahn, Margi Haber, Comedy Actors Studio, John Rosenfeld studios and auditing my first Ivana Chubbuckmasterclass (it's so much cheaper here than in Aus). Later on in the month I'm also doing a Improv 101 course with Upright Citizens Brigade (I can't even breath... it's so exciting). But while there is a lot to be excited about... there is also a lot to be sad about. Today Phillip Seymour Hoffman died, an acting legend. And soon it will be Valentines day. For all those out there who are "Forever Alone", buy a chocolate/ rose for yourself. I know I will. Till next month. ;)



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