It’s March, the month I was born in. And what an excellent month it has been. No I have not had one single audition since getting back from my whirlwind adventure and no I did not land a role in ATYP’s Spring Awakening. But I have turned 24. Which as my housemate tells me is only 6 more years to my dream age 30.
After travelling, I learnt a lot. #1 That it doesn’t matter if I leave Australia for 6 months or longer, I probably wasn’t going to land anything so I must live my life instead of waiting around for the dream audition. And #2 That I want to have accomplished A LOT by the time I reach 30.
So what am I waiting for?
I have enlisted two people I think are exceptionally funny and full of wisdom to teach me everything they know. I call them my Mentors. You know who you are.
I have also learnt that I must ask and ask and ask. Something that I’ve always had trouble with. But as they say you won’t know until you ask. So here I am, asking. If you have ever made your first feature film, I would love to sit you down, buy you lunch and learn how you did it. I mean everything; budgets, how you found a team willing to it for nothing, etcetera etcetera etcetera. In acting news… I did audition for Annie at Mosman Musical Society and quite impressed myself. I sang Aida‘s ‘Easy as Life’, which I used to sing at eisteddfods, and without having any constant singing since 2011 I managed to bring the house down (or at least I thought so). I was offered a role, sadly not the one I wanted so I politely declined.
Oh and I completed two applications into the Gender Matters Brilliant Stories curriculum through Screen Australia! I have only once applied for funding back in Brisbane (which was not successful) and now I can add two more to the pile. I asked for very small amounts so maybe if they are feeling nice, they will pay it forward to a young filmmaker who has plenty of acting credits but no behind the scenes experience. Everyone has to start somewhere.
This month I am getting into creating storyboards for my passion project Zombie Bru, finding a producer to take on the micro-budget feature feat with me, auditioning for Penrith’s Little Women, reading two books one called ‘How to Win’ and the other ‘The Screenwriter’s Workbook’ and I’ll be working LOTS. And I mean lots, I’ve finally hit the ‘Mum & Dad loan me money’ button. Guess that’s what happens after travelling non-stop for 6 months.
But hey don’t feel down for me. It’s my birthday!
See you next month! May Grehan
