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Dear family and friends,

This February, I had some really nice moments and some really sad moments too.

Merryn and I signed up for a 10km fun run for Neuroblastoma. You can donate to our page here. We have been training to run the whole thing. At this stage, I can comfortably run and walk it, but my aim is to jog the beast. In addition to this, I joined my first Oztag team. I have yet to score any goals but I enjoy sprinting just for the hell of it and how good my skin looks after the game, pink and raw fresh. On Monday nights, I’m playing Oztag with one of my oldest friends from Brisbane, Emma and her Sydney mates.

The start of the term also meant that choir is back on. My gospel choir practices at the Leichhardt Uniting church on Tuesdays and it is just so blissful. The conductor Ian is such a people person. He is fantastic at building a positive environment and even takes time to do a reflective circle at the end of rehearsals, checking in to see how people thought the night went. Before rehearsals begin, we are also practising ‘Natural Women’ for an open mic night later on in the year.

At work, I’ve had some really lovely days. We planned a spirit day for Pride called 'Rainbow Day'. The children helped me make our own pride flag, made hearts for the heart tree in the studio and walked our own parade chanting “Happy Pride” to ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow/ What a Wonderful World’. It was really special. Then two weeks later, we planned 'Dino Day' because two of the children at the service are obsessed. I bought one of those inflatable dinosaur suits for a special guest moment in the afternoon and I sewed a dinosaur print pinafore for the day. It was all very wholesome. Made my heart full.

Other highlights from February are finally attending Retrosweat with Irena, watching the full Mardi Gra Parade from the front row, becoming obsessed with the song “Go go Joseph” after watching 'Joseph And The Technicolour Dreamcoat' for the first time, a Brisbane trip, celebrating birthdays, seeing Jared in drag, long walks, beach trips, attending trivia, and facetime with friends overseas. Oh and… I got accepted into Grand Valley State University in Michigan for Semester 2 of 2023.

The bad parts of February were that I had three minor car accidents one after another, the fridge fan froze and I had to dismantle and defrost the fridge, and someone close passed away. The end of February hasn’t been fun. I’m pretty gloomy, and I’m finding the sight of flowers in my home quite overwhelming but I’m grateful for work keeping me busy and for friends that allow me to vent even the silliest frustrations. I’m also extremely thankful for my best friend, who somehow through her grief is able to comfort me.

I read one book this month called ‘The Last Story of Mina Lee’ by Nancy Jooyoun Kim. I was not fond of it much but it’s a Reese Witherspoon recommendation so maybe I missed something. Movies I’ve watched this month were ‘What's Love Got To Do With It’ (predictable but a nice D-grade romcom), and 'Magic Mike's Last Dance' (an utter disappointment- they didn’t even use the main song in the film). Other television I am watching is ‘Scrubs’ (almost complete), NYPD Blue (my bathtime entertainment), and Survivor (all hail King George).

Post next in March,

Xx May



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