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#1 Get O1 Visa and move to LA Sep 2014


Updated: Jan 20, 2019

On my goal board in my room, #1 says 'Get O1 Visa and move to LA September 2014'. This is why it is called a "goal board" and not a "reality board" because things are always more complicated then that. I'll admit, this year I felt like I'd done nothing. Apart from my amazing trip to LA and meeting the love of my life and losing him... nothing really happened until this September. But don't you worry I have overcome many more milestones this month that may even beat that one (not at all the same level). 1. I was in my first Tropfest film. It's called 'Paul the Rabbit' and follows Paul, a misunderstood guy with the body of a man and the head of a rabbit and I should know because I play his cute, very-drew-barrymore-in-50-first-dates-like girlfriend. This team was fantastic. I was recommended by the director of feature film 'Pop-Up' that I worked on last year and turns out I'd worked with most of the team on different projects since moving to Sydney. It's nice to feel in the loop.

2. I wrote my first screenplay titled 'Zombie Bru'. It's a Zomedy (see what I did there). The idea came from a dream consisting of funny skits between a young Maori boy and his zombie brother. Australians in Film announced their Gateway LA Script Development Program, so I got writing. It's hilarious. If you are a close friend you can read it and if you are Simon Pegg, you can just take the whole thing and make it incredible like you always do. Basically Jacob, who is a New Zealand equivalent of Martin Moone (Moone Boy), just wants a girlfriend... Oh and to stop his brother from eating the family. I always forget that part. And lucky me, I live with a film-grad who also pointed me to the Bluecat Screenplay Competition. So I entered that too. Take that world.

3. I am the Lead in a Feature Film. First time. I remind myself constantly and then I get all excited again. Indie-film 'The Cottonwood Fence' has started filming. We were up in Katoomba and last weekend we shot at an Orchard in Richmond. Beautiful locations. And as for me, I was channeling my best Katniss Everdeen. The director even said I look like her. KAPOW! Step aside Lawrence, I'll take it from here.

4. I did my first JMC short film 'Just Another Fish'. It's the story of my life. A girl gets dumped and finds out that her ex is now gay. Did I say my life? I meant Hannah Green. Silly me.

5. I had a consultation with Talent Scout, Jason Siner. After many recommendations and even emailing the guy last year, I finally did it. He was great, he set some realistic goals with me, looked at all my materials, said what needed changing and what's next. It was much like having a manager. Someone that wants the best for you because they believe in you and they get work if you get work. What a dream. I highly recommended speaking to him or going to one of his seminars.

6. I'm in my second AFTRS film (not a first damn it). It's titled 'Grown' and juicy story... I turned up for the audition and everything was going well until the shooting dates were discussed and I was not free.  So they must have loved me so much that they changed the dates around. So glad they did though, the script is super awesome. It's about how experiences age you. For example one kid gets beaten up at school everyday and so he dies of old age. I play Rose who has a pretty rough life too.

See I told you lots happened this month!

Now before I forget here is my promised self-test for Natalie Wall (Barrett Casting). Before you decide not to hit play because of that hideous mane you see, I assure you I am just as phenomenal as usual but the rain did get the better of my roots that day. Enjoy.

My brother Coleman had his Sydney season of 'HIM' at PACT this Sydney Fringe Festival. He even won the Physical Theatre and Circus category. A very proud sister and housemate.

Had another proud housemate moment! All the team got in the car and drove down for the Sydney/ Campbelltown preview of '500 miles'. It's a great Indie Brisbane film that has been making the worldwide circuit and winning some awards. It's also got a write up in the months FilmInk. No I'm not in it. But the housemate is one of the Producers and keep it on the hush hush but I've been cast in his next film. (I've already blogged about it. It's 'The Arrangement'. This story was all about re-establishing a project I'm working on next year. Genius).

What else does this housemate guy do? Headshots! Mansoor Noor Photography. Check them out on his facebook page and LIKE (it makes him happy and in turn me happy). I don't know how these shots will go. I don't see many curly haired girls on Aussie TV so even though my curls are unique they are not very mainstream. I'm hoping the straight hair look just gets my foot in the door. I'm so sick of not even getting the foot in the door. :(

I also got back a lot footage so that means.... new DEMOREEL. Woohoo! I thought you would be excited! Here it is! Yeah that's Bryan Brown at the start and Guy Edmonds in the middle. Who am I hanging out with famous people? While you are clicking... check out the newest trailer and website for 'The Army Within' too.

And finally I submitted myself for the Green Card Lottery for the third year in a row. People say it's third time lucky so maybe I can put that 'move to LA' goal on next years goal board and it will actually come true.

Well if you have gotten this far... Thank you for reading. It's been an epic month. Goodbye and see you at Halloween.



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